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Online Energised Pregnancy Exercise

Maintain a healthy and active pregnancy with our expert Pregnancy Exercise program. We focus on functional movements that will help you build strength and stay energised, comfortable and confident throughout your pregnancy. Plus, with our at-home workout guides and videos, you can stay on track without leaving the house, it's super affordable and you can exercise at a time that suits you.

Pregnancy exercise
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💖 Are you Pregnant? >>> Congratulations

💖 Wanting to prepare your body for an easier birth?

💖Wanting to stay healthy, active and painfree throughout your pregnancy?

💖Wanting to reduce the risk of health complications during your pregnancy?

💖 Wanting to reduce the risk of needing intervention during your labour and birth? 

💖 Wanting to give your body a kick start on healing and recovery time from pregnancy and birth right now during your pregnancy?

💖 Would you prepare for a big life event such as a marathon or long tramp? (Labour and birth can be the equivalent of these big events, a huge and significant endurance event that is life change in many ways)​​


Hey there, I'm Jo!

I’m a postpartum nurse, pregnancy and postnatal coach and personal trainer, and a mum just like you. I have given birth to three baby girls who are now 8, 5 and 2 and oh how different each birth has been!


When I had my first I was completely focused on the birth but had no idea how to really prepare by body for birth and the Emergency Nurse in me wanted to birth at the tertiary hospital 'just incase something went wrong'. I was induced for a small baby but had a pretty quick seven hour labour  sustaining a 3rd degree tear, EEK! I have subsequent long term pelvic floor problems from that birth. Same prep for my second birth, I just went with it, but naturally at the hospital again, episiotomy this time, eek again!


After my second birth, I did a lot of research to help improve my recovery, learnt A LOT about exercise for pregnancy, birth and recovery that I wish I had know earlier and subsequently did more study and became a Pregnancy and Postnatal exercise specialist to help educate, support and help improve awareness of safe and effective exercise during these seasons of our life.


For my third much was different in a fantastic way, I did pregnancy safe exercise and birth prep consistently, I had less morning sickness, more energy, and I decided to prepare for birth with an online hypnobirthing program (not airy fairy, it was simply education around birth and breathing and connection exercises). This helped me to understand that labour and birth is a natural process, I prepared my body and confidence and safely and confidently birthed at our local primary birthing centre only 20 minutes after arriving and suffered no tearing, yey! I had a healthy baby and a significantly improved and easier recovery.


I'm here to support you and promote safe and empowering ways to exercise for ladies during and after birth, all within affordable and accessible online programs.


I know it can be hard to set aside time to exercise in your busy life, but it's so important to take that time for yourself during one of the most significant times of your life!


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Energised Pregnancy



Draft - discounted rate

Valid for one year

Pregnancy safe exercise and movement program

Core, strength and cardio pregnancy safe exercise

Stretch and balance movements

Exercises specific to each trimester

Nourishing Nutrition for Mum and bubs

Birth Preparation exercises

Early postnatal preparation

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