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Download your FREE
Pelvic floor risk and symptom self assessment

You’re about to get a super informative FREE download to help discover if you are at risk of pelvic floor dysfunction and/or assess any symptoms you might be having that might be related to your pelvic floor function.

Women are highly susceptible to pelvic floor dysfunction simply because 85% of women will have a baby at some point in their life…and that alone is one of the biggest risk factors, simply being pregnant!

Symptoms such as urinary incontinence (leaking urine), low back or pelvic pain, or heaviness or bulging in their pelvis are extremely common but yet not many women seek or receive the right help.


So, I’m so pleased you’ve found me, I’m here to help you maintain or regain your pelvic floor function well beyond Kegels, something I wish I had known sooner!


Grab your free guide and get started and inspired!

Mum and baby postnatal return to exercise

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